
2015-05-10 22:03
您還記得蛋糕店擺放好好吃的麵包,蛋糕,甜點的櫃子嗎?( Do you remember the delicious bread, cake dessert....in the bakery? )請看小小玻璃櫃 (Please the picture as below)
2015-05-04 14:36
2015-05-02 18:10
12分之1的秤,60年代最常用,您小時後有用過嗎?(Scale 1/12, the  most popular Chineseyard at 1960 in Asia )
2015-05-01 22:13
2015-04-27 10:28
小時候聽到" 噹 噹 噹 "的聲音就知道推車賣小菜的伯伯又來了,鄰居大嬸..叔叔..媽媽大家都出來買著令人回味的小菜,現在把回憶重現製造1:12的推車呈現給大家( The barrow was most popular that street vender to sale foods or articles of daily use in Chinese society at 1960 ) 
2015-04-09 09:43
項目: 11 - 20 之 26
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